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Builder Edition

The Builder Edition delivers lots of fun as an outpost settler, structure builder, scout or motorized soldier. You get your safe place at the Spaceport's shared crew quarters; for you, your HoverBike, items and loot. A settler transport takes you to the free-lands where you can use the Amazing Building System. Your entry level is settler or motorized soldier. Attention: this edition only unlocks the builder and the hand weapons Tech Trees, an Awesome Value for this kind of Smart Content. Later, if you love the Game, you could upgrade to a Tech Tree edition that lets you progress through all of the Game's Science-Fiction based Lore.
Availability: Out of stock
SKU: edition-02

This is a feature summary. All of the features included in this edition are listed below on this page.

Crew Shared Quarters
Rave 1 HoverBike
Pliers Tool
Shaper Tool
Airbrush Tool
1kt Hand Nuke 2 Nuclear Demolition
Plasma Cannon
Micro RITEG mk1
Anti-Time Chamber

Note: The right-side column of the list below shows the competition status percentage of each feature. This list will be updated periodically so that you can track the progress of the game features.

SceneAccess1: Tyranika - City ruins: Extremely large procedurally generated map.60%
SceneAccess2: Rgiant - Ruptured Space: Extremely large procedurally generated map.60%
SceneAccess3: Spaceport - Human base: Main hub, common areas, transports to other sectors & bases.0%
SceneAccess4: Skyclone - Respawn hospital: Player customizer that lets you choose the colors of your bodysuit, and personalize the appearance of your avatar in a very detailed way.85%
SceneAccess5: Virtual Paint room: Vehicle customizer that lets you choose colors & apply individual decals [markings & insignias] to personalize your ships & ship parts the way you like them.100%
Lodgings13: Crew Shared Quarters: 3-person joint cabin with a personal, medium size storage vaults for items, located in the Spaceport crew section. Some breakable items will survive death by re-spawning in the player's lodgings.0%
SupplyAccess23: Spaceport Charging Stations: To recharge batteries.0%
SupplyAccess24: Spaceport Weapon Benches: To customize or upgrade weapons.0%
SupplyAccess25: Spaceport Shop & Market: To buy, sell & trade.0%
SupplyAccess26: Spaceport Supplies Depot: To reload Shaper’s foamcrete material canisters.0%
Vehicle28: Access to the Outpost transports: Transit system from & to the Spaceport (AI cargo ships).0%
Vehicle29: Access to the Personnel Network: Transit system within the Spaceport (Musk tubes).0%
Vehicle30: Rave 1 HoverBike: Single seat, two engine “form factor 1” hovercraft.100%
Machine41: Pliers Tool: Repairing, connecting & assembling modular system.100%
Machine42: Shaper Tool: Full architectural building system.100%
Machine43: Airbrush Tool: Paint gun & decal customizer system.100%
Machine44: Hoverbike Regen & Respawn Lot: Discrete parking space for the Rave 1.0%
Machine45: Weapon Bench: To customize or upgrade weapons at the quarters.0%
Machine54: C10 Claim Flag Projector: Settler’s 10x10 cubic possession mark. Can only be used in free lands.0%
Module63: M18 Battery: Provides energy storage when used in a suitable “0.18m module bay”.30%
Module66: M18 Traktor: Portable Loot delivery drone, that also fits in “0.18m module bays”.25%
Weapon85: Shotgun: Wind-up short range energy blaster.0%
Weapon86: 1kt Hand Nuke 2 Nuclear Demolition: 1 kiloton bomb blueprint, craftable through the assembly system.100%
Weapon88: Plasma Cannon: Charge up energy blaster.100%
Player108: 2x Bodysuit: Customized color suits saved at the Skyclone.100%
Player109: Female & Male Head Options: Hair, facial hair, eyes, skin, hairdo customizer & body gender slider.100%
Player112: Toyguy Glasses: Accessories.100%
Player118: Warsuit: Body electronics & weapons system.80%
Player119: Micro RITEG mk1: Long lasting passive portable power unit.100%
Player120: Back Rack: Weapon, tool & Rod holder.100%
Player121: Pentachoron: Skills selector & progress wearable device.10%
Player122: Anti-Time Chamber: Anti-Time collection wearable device.10%
Player123: Bodybuilding: Muscular mass progress system.60%
Player124: Cross Cat helmet: Helmet in customizable colors.100%
Player125: Pedra Boots: Boots in customizable colors.100%
RolePlaying130: Tag Display: Overhead rank, titles, squadron, fireteam, unit, guild, faction & username identification. Smart on-off switch.10%
RolePlaying137: In-game Currencies Wallet: Blueprint, Discovery, Rep, Credit & Anti-Time inventory.0%
RolePlaying138: Rep Points: Reputation reward system.60%
RolePlaying139: Coin Credits: In-game trade currency.10%
RolePlaying140: Discovery System: Elements, Particles, Exotic Elements, Technology & Intel collection.10%
RolePlaying141: Anti-Time Spaceport Bank: Most desired exotic element in the universe.0%
RolePlaying142: Buy & Sell: Through the in-game Trade system.0%
RolePlaying143: Access to Co-op Game-play: Team-up as Gunner, Fireteam, Squadron etc.10%
RolePlaying144: Access to Guilds: Player-controlled role-playing unions with a common interests to obtain skill boosts or power-up benefits. Creation & membership through Rep points system.10%
RolePlaying145: Access to Factions: Player-controlled role-playing clans with common interests to obtain skill boosts or power-up benefits. Creation & membership through Rep & Credits system.10%
RolePlaying146: Admissions to Governmental Units: TL Trade Lords, EB Expanse Bureau. Voluntary service for the GM game-masters role-playing organization. Membership through Rep points system.20%
RolePlaying147: Admissions to Enforcement Units: OP Outpost Police, IC Intel Corps. Voluntary service for the community moderation program. Membership through application system.70%