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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Rodol Profile Avatar Rodol 1 year, 12 months ago.

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  • A few questions
  • #17548
    Dokuro64 Profile Avatar
    1 posts

    Hi! It’s me, Dokuro!

    I’ve wanted to ask Rodol a few questions.

    1.  Do you plan on adding any new weapons?
    2. What does the nuke pancake command do?
    3. (This one isn’t really related to the mod in any way) Do you have a Discord account?

    Rodol Profile Avatar
    3055 posts

    Hey Dokuro, Thanks for joining the forums.

    1- At this point I’m adding new weapons to the Dark Matter Drive game. It is actually a weapon system. Some of the weapons from the mod will make it into the game but others will be useless.

    2-The nuke pancake command refers to the black scorched crater circle it creates. The command forces the Tsar algorithm to match current elevation data of the world, if it is off then it places the pancake at the halfway point between the actual Tsar bomb and the highest block on the column of blocks it is on (Which could be far above it or below it). They are just different algorithms with different results. The default is probably more realistic.

    3-RR has an official discord server, and Roda (my sis) moderates it, but I do not have my own discord account. Here is a link to the server:

  • A few questions
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