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has development ceased?

6 months ago
#1524 Quote
is there any updates on the project?
6 months ago
#1525 Quote
Likely since rodol hasnt spoken since like 1 year and a half ago
6 months ago
#1526 Quote
Imafluffycat wrote:
Likely since rodol hasnt spoken since like 1 year and a half ago
with this i mean that its very likely that rodol has scammed us all
6 months ago
#1527 Quote
do you think it was malicious? or just burnt out/ other cirumstances?
6 months ago
#1528 Quote
Development has not ceased, I am still working on a rewrite due to various uncircumventable fundamental limitations with the game engine i used, Unity. Its going to take time, but I have been making steady progress. There is a lot to build and it will be far better than before.
6 months ago
#1529 Quote
Imafluffycat wrote:
Likely since rodol hasnt spoken since like 1 year and a half ago with this i mean that its very likely that rodol has scammed us all

As someone who knows Rodol well enough i'd say, this is an incredibly ridiculous claim. Game dev takes time, and with Rodol doing engine changes, that takes even longer. It makes sense he rather focus development than waste time making announcements for things we already know.
Probably RR's only furry. No, im not one of those degenerates. Forum Moderator Admin. Feel free to add me on Discord(frostifur) and Telegram(@FrostiFur)