To All Users: The new Terms of Service make it legally safe for Rival Rebels & Rgiant to take your suggestions, here is the relevant part of the policy
Warning: all the contributions you submit, post, suggest, including UGC (user generated content) and any feedback on or to this website legally belongs to Rival Rebels, so be careful with what you submit because you lose any rights you have on it.
This makes it possible for Rodol to incorporate ideas that you guys have, without having to worry about someone suing him for having used their idea. It also lets us delete, share, or edit posts or buildings that you make in the game.
Also, be careful not to suggest things that belong to other games, movies or anime, you can not claim other’s ideas as your own. Make sure any suggestions you post are original.
Thank you!
Warning: all the contributions you submit, post, suggest, including UGC (user generated content) and any feedback on or to this website legally belongs to Rival Rebels, so be careful with what you submit because you lose any rights you have on it.
This makes it possible for Rodol to incorporate ideas that you guys have, without having to worry about someone suing him for having used their idea. It also lets us delete, share, or edit posts or buildings that you make in the game.
Also, be careful not to suggest things that belong to other games, movies or anime, you can not claim other’s ideas as your own. Make sure any suggestions you post are original.
Thank you!