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This topic contains 6 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by DaRealStewy Profile Avatar DaRealStewy 2 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • I am hosting the first annual RR build battle! Read here for rules and updates.
  • #9663

    On sat. the 22nd I am going to host the first RR build battle! but not any build battle, the one who is the coolest, the one that has the most desrtuction, and the one that is the most effective against rhodes.
    People volunteer here to be judge. Also, volunteer to be the players. There will be teams of (2) players.
    I will give the time when I can find my schedule and see what time I can do it.

    I need only 8 players and A judge!

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    Command blocks are aloud. Also I am just asking any high ranked admin or Rodol, when I do this can I give anyone creative. (It is a build battle that involves creativity) also you can use any thing you want.

    Plz make sure to keep the server alive. Don’t crash the server tooo much. I know some people will say “*faceplalm* Ur gonna crash the server with so many nukes!” The way I will prevent this; I will approve it to see if it has too much lag.

    :keep good sportsmanship. Do not call anyone bad things, this is just for fun.

    :Also, keep redstone clocks to 3 ticks so it can be able to destroy over time.

    :Finally, only one person goes at a time. If anyone releases a nuke while someone is contesting will be disqualified.

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    Emerald, amethyst, Shadow, and golden eagles

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    Woops hehe didnt realize it was the 18th. time flies so fast. NEW DATE: Oct. 29 on a sat. Since it is 2 days before halloween it will be halloween themed!

    Good luck to everyone!

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    Team golden eagles has been changed to team Halloween!

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    I will start creating the game zone today after school. All admins are welcomed to help !

    See you at the first annual RR build Battle!

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    I will start creating the game zones after school!

    Warning: SEIZURE ALERT
  • I am hosting the first annual RR build battle! Read here for rules and updates.
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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