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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by BroBrine Profile Avatar BroBrine 2 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Idea for the Rival Rebels mod :) [UPDATED]
  • #15449
    JackHack Profile Avatar
    1 posts

    My friend says it would be awesome to fly the B2 (Sit in it and fly it)

    I hope it’ll come new weaponds in the mod :D examples:
    1. A gun that freezes the block you shoot on.
    2. a gun that can shoot blocks, paratrooper, supplies, gas and etc. by using the /rrconfig command. The gun can be called “SYK-Config”.
    3. can you add a block called “Control Center” and it work kinda like the Bunker and the tower, you right-click with pliers and BOOM! A building with with a small room with a TokaMak, Controller and a Toaster.
    4. Water Camo, Lava Camo and Red sand camo.

    Maybe more Ideas will come in the future :)


    Hi there Jack! These ideas are great! We will see if it is possible with these, as rodol (the mod creator) is creating an exeptional video game that features all RR mod mechanics. (expect flame thrower) So if we can get another mod version in then yep, these ideas will work ;)

    Warning: SEIZURE ALERT
    unamix Profile Avatar
    795 posts

    but I am not sure if he will make another version of the mod


    FireAlpha Profile Avatar
    1690 posts

    BALLISTIC LOL Jedi turtles! XD

    Blue Lightning Blue.Flame

    May the forth be with you. Hmm what if those turtles killed a Jedi to get those lightsabers and then thought to fight each other to the death then after have a nice grilled turtle.

    Great idea for the game. 😁

    All of your bas are belong to us.


    May the forth be with you titan, may the forth be with you.

    Warning: SEIZURE ALERT

    Perhaps someday

  • Idea for the Rival Rebels mod :) [UPDATED]
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