Hello Rival Rebels, just recently there has been some misunderstandings about name changes and other things that were unnecessary. I was drug into it also along with a handful of others.
I made this topic for multiple reasons….
1. Temptation leads to mistakes
2. Misunderstandings have been concurring
3. I felt it was a way to evolve a bit more.
Now we go deeper…
The definition of “temptation”
Noun #1 a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.
Noun #2 a thing or course of action that attracts or tempts someone.
Noun #3 (Unlisted Because it is Religious)
Ok, so now we know what temptation is. What is happening here is connected with Noun #2. So let’s say Luke creates a topic about hating/talking about their mishaps or wrongdoings. (Which won’t happen) Then i also start to dislike that person because i led up to Luke with his tempting details. And don’t get me wrong this has happened to a number of people.
To stop this we just have to ask questions and sometimes even deny the tempter. If this starts a fight in this community then we simply react calmly and give the right description and consequences (if anyone is unaware, consequences aren’t always bad)
I hope you have learned something from this topic. Peace.