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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by FireAlpha Profile Avatar FireAlpha 2 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #14172
    FireAlpha Profile Avatar
    1690 posts

    Hello guys! Im gonna announce two new things that I’m probably gonna do with UATG and 1 game that i founded out that should be interesting :)
    CIC: Lukep keep in mind please put this post as a topic in mod discussion please!

    okay before i tell you guys the things that i have been thinking about UATG

    i just want to tell you the CIC of what it is.

    So CIC i will use just for standard suggestions configurations translating to spread as notes or questions to other admins and Non-admins and also industrial Nuclear powers just for a little Imagination :)

    CIC also stands for Configuration Industrial Chemicals or CIC as you heard.

    okay now to what main things that i have been thinking of, so Im gonna make a game called Friendly Coal its basically a game where you go through a mine and there are alot of coals that are toxic and so in order to win you have to collect 6 Friendly coals that are not toxic and do not cause any bad toxins to humans now you may have noticed pff that just is global warming right…? well no this game is not global warming its kinda based on it but its 5 percent global warming based and the 95 percent is Coal caves with not a lot of Friendly coals. and here is a global warming graph:

    it shows you a graph of the global warnings now pff i know what you are thinking everyone knows that, but thats not the point i will tell you the point later.

    You can also find CO2 rods in the cave which of course i have to use Sticks cause CO2 is usually black smoke when its a gas, okay now the point of this game is that Friendly coal is coal that is Actually good so thats why i call it Friendly coal is cause its not Toxic and there is a lot kinda in the caves only for someone who has the most amount of friendly coal wins also in the game there is only 5 minutes you have to collect the amount of friendly coal in order to win but if two people or more get the same amount of coal then that means that the amount of people who have the same friendly coal amounts will win as well and will get the Friendly coal trophy!
    okay enough of that game, wow that was a long explaining OH whatever! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Okay the next thing that i was considering is to add a stealth trying to take down a nuclear train from one big tower to another the challenge is to take 3 tsar nukes and a Stealth has to be set up and has to hit the right track or hit one of the three tsar nukes in order for the challenge to be done.
    Not very much explaining cause this post is so long and I’m afraid that will stress people out so Im very sorry that i made a very long post i take full blame so please i respect you guys so i hope that does some good sorry’s for you guys. ┻┻︵⁞=༎ຶ﹏༎ຶ=⁞︵┻┻

    Blue Lightning Blue.Flame
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