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Profile: FrostiFur

  • 41
  • Sunday, August 16, 2015 2:35 AM

I believe Rodol needs to open a slot first. I will let him know.

4 years ago


My fiance :3

4 years ago

rodol wrote:

My bad, yes sorry!
No worries, thanks for fixing it. And thanks for this, I'll offer it to my fiance tonight :3
4 years ago

By Frosty, you mean me?

4 years ago

Sour wrote:

Sorry, I meant 2 years ago. To answer your question, there was a long time admin, LT Gen Rank, who started hating on the LGBTQ+ community. If you aren't familiar with the old ranks Lt Gen was equivalent to Colonel. Also, this was back when to rank up you needed to be active on the forums 4 times a month to fill a segment. To rank up to a new rank, you need to fill up each segment. If you aren't familiar with what ranks have how many segments you can look here.
Has it really been two years since it happened? Time does fly i suppose.
4 years ago

It's that time of year, happy pride month to all the RR LGBT+ members.

4 years ago

Press Windows key and R together then type in %appdata% Click the .minecraft folder then config folder. There will be a file titled "rivelrebels" open it with notepad.

4 years ago

Which factions are there even? Not including mine as it is no where near started, still just a concept lol.

5 years ago

Is it safe for me to declare war already?

5 years ago
New Ranks

Heheheh got my Warlord now :D

5 years ago