Game Chat

  • deston: 😀
  • deston: im deston
  • Rodol: @deston welcome. @Joey to get into the tank use free cam for now, (I'll fix player's climbing soon)
  • Joe nuke: hello desto
  • Joe nuke: what ı̇s that purple portal on hub
  • Rodol: Rgiant?
  • Shadowki: Hello deston!
  • Joe nuke: hey rodol.
  • Joe nuke: why are there 4 portals ı̇n rgı̇ant's hub
  • Rodol: You mean on station forcefield? Two for Rgiant, one for Tyranika, and one for Brumal (dev, icy place).
  • Joe nuke: ok
  • TrueCook: wazap
  • SpeedOfT: bruh do I actually have to pay 16 bucks to use a nuke?
  • SpeedOfT: please tell me I dont
  • SpeedOfT: or can I get a free offline version
  • SpeedOfT: i am confusion
  • SpeedOfT: bruh i have to pay for multiplayer
  • SpeedOfT: rodol
  • SpeedOfT: if possible
  • SpeedOfT: could you please tell me when a offline version comes out
  • airpigle: bruh
  • airpigle: if he made a completly offline version the price would probably be a bit lower
  • airpigle: cause theres nobody to fight really if its offline
  • airpigle: maybe you can have LAN servers
  • Rodol: @Speed there isn't an offline version, or a free version. This is an independent, ad-free, MMO game. It's not one nuke, you can see all the game features here -->
  • SpeedOfT: would there ever be a free version in the future like what 0rava did with mutilate a doll 2?
  • SpeedOfT: like offline
  • SpeedOfT: i would pay like 20 bucks for that
  • SpeedOfT: but if that's not possible
  • SpeedOfT: i wanna ask
  • SpeedOfT: will the game officially release by May next year?
  • Rodol: I don't think so
  • Max Pend: It can take an entire programming team a few years to make a quality lasting game. Rodol is trying to accomplish this whole thing by himself. I know contests exist where people try to make a game in a few weeks but that really doesn't match up with the scope of a full blown MMO-sized game. I would take a guess but I would most likely be way off and I don't want to mislead you. You can keep up-to-date by watching Rodol's videos on his youtube channel and talking with him and others on the discord if you w
  • superex: where's curlyfries
  • FrostiFu: I dunno
  • MichalLu: Indeed
  • MichalLu: Rodol is doing one hell of a job rn
  • Max Pend: We really need to find out what happened to curlyfries. He shows up and makes a server then goes MIA
  • Joe nuke: when 1 person takes his/her time adding in features, it's gonna take 5 years to get out of pre alpha. so it may take 10 years at the minimum to release the full game to the public without funding according to my estimations. Funders edition helps rodol out and lowers the duration.
  • Joe nuke: :P
  • FrostiFu: Max, he's probably just busy.
  • SpeedOfT: oh
  • SpeedOfT: i'm truly sorry rodol and I hope your game goes sky high in popularity!
  • SpeedOfT: @Joey_da_ 10 YEARS?! big oof
  • SpeedOfT: some ı̇ntense sens here
  • SpeedOfT: bruh thı̇s game ı̇s sı̇ck
  • SpeedOfT: 1 problem tho
  • SpeedOfT: the controls are a lı̇ttle comp
  • SpeedOfT: oh god help
  • SpeedOfT: thı̇s camera ı̇s gı̇vı̇ng hard tı̇mee a a
  • SpeedOfT: ı̇t wont let me drop the placer
  • SpeedOfT: honestly thı̇s thı̇ng
  • SpeedOfT: oh god
  • SpeedOfT: waı̇t
  • SpeedOfT: doesnt the tac nuke have a det
  • FrostiFu: Try not to spam mate.
  • Rodol: @Speed Thanks for your support! If you get stuck on anything let us know here :)
  • SpeedOfT: ı̇t ı̇s actually suprı̇sı̇ng!
  • SpeedOfT: yo rodol how do you leave maı̇n spawn
  • SpeedOfT: nvm found ı̇t
  • SpeedOfT: and now ı̇m ı̇n the voı̇d
  • SpeedOfT: oof
  • SpeedOfT: where ı̇s thı̇s damn portal
  • SpeedOfT: found ı̇t
  • SpeedOfT: epı̇c bruh moment
  • Joe nuke: @Speed normally devolpers have big teams with 10s or hundreds of members. Rodol is the lone wolf in the development of the game. even the huge teams take 1/2 years to make a game.
  • Joe nuke: so imagine how long one very determined person will take.
  • Joe nuke: You can do it Rodol! XD
  • Rodol: Thanks Joey!
  • SpeedOfT: bruh i woke up after 3 hrs of trying to find a nuke crate rodol halnp
  • SpeedOfT: Omg rodol! You hit 30k subs man congrats!
  • Rodol: Thanks Speed! :)
  • SpeedOfT: whı̇ch portal ı̇s tyrannı̇ka
  • SpeedOfT: now for the fı̇rst hand nuke ı̇ detonate!
  • SpeedOfT: but ı̇ dı̇e ı̇nstantly and straı̇ght back to skyclone
  • Joe nuke: its a feature of nukes. :P
  • airpigle: you should have just dropped it at a high altitude and flew away to a safe distane and view the explosion with your camera
  • airpigle: for a better view
  • Joe nuke: cant move
  • Joe nuke: nvr mı̇nd
  • Joe nuke: hub ı̇s wı̇erd
  • Joe nuke: gunshı̇p bug
  • Joe nuke: gunshı̇p can move. But wı̇th very slow speesd
  • Max Pend: I don’t think I have seen that bug before. How slow is it and does adjusting the speed throttle help?
  • SpeedOfT: i just used a hand nuke
  • SpeedOfT: from far distance
  • SpeedOfT: i have been searching for a game as good as this for YEARS
  • SpeedOfT: checking if they have a nice looking nuke
  • SpeedOfT: i pray to rodol that he has no trouble in his career of the rival rebels franchise good luck to him
  • SpeedOfT: ffs agaı̇n rodol fı̇x thı̇s you drop a fuse then get tped 2 kms away where yhı̇ng
  • Rodol: yeah, that's a weird thing lol. Definitely on the todo list, try dropping it while walking backwards, its an issue with the server collider geometry.
  • Rodol: Also, thanks :D
  • Joe nuke: maybe you can add rpgs with nuclear warheads And/or Nuclear missiles. Make sure to think about adding the b2 stealth bomber.
  • Max Pend: Although I think having the B2 would be cool it is not graded for space or planets other than earth. You can communicate with other players using a corsair to simulate one though. We might get something similar though. Who knows?
  • SpeedOfT: You know that’s a great idea and dropping fuse walking backwards works
  • Sour: hi
  • SpeedOfT: ı̇ts beautı̇ful
  • Max Pend: I feel like getting launched is more fun though. Maybe we need jump pads at some point.
  • elite ml: I is backkkk!!
  • SpeedOfT: wb
  • Max Pend: WB elite. That reminds me I need to make a meme about our computers.
  • Max Pend: Give me a few minutes.
  • Max Pend: Done.
  • SpeedOfT: why ı̇s everythı̇ng except the shı̇p hatch and plasma cannon gone?
  • SpeedOfT: nvm ȷ̇ust skyclone
  • SpeedOfT: your corsaı̇re 3 mı̇ght 50 heart attacks but chı̇ll outave 1
  • SpeedOfT: tf
  • SpeedOfT: typı̇ng lı̇ke thı̇s ı̇s ı̇mpossı̇ble you never know when you are gonna make a mı̇stake
  • Max Pend: I agree that the chat needs a major fix but it is already in the works. I suggest expanding the box when you use it so you can see your mistakes.
  • elite ml: sup humans
  • Max Pend: Not much.
  • Max Pend: Just letting people know that we have almost no one in IC at the moment. If you are a captain in the OP with 85 or more rep consider applying if you feel up to the task. If you are not in the OP and wish to know how to join please head here > Please remember you need a RR funder edition to apply at this time.
  • SpeedOfT: why cant i get into the game
  • FrostiFu: Server might be down.
  • rodolphi: I ȷ̇ust restarted the servers and trı̇ed gettı̇ng ı̇n.
  • rodolphi: It works

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